Posteado por: Pablo A Martin Perez | 6 May 2009

Colgando las alas

Icarus left his guide and drawn by a desire to reach the heavens, took his course too high.

The burning heat of the nearby sun softened the scented wax that fastened the wings and the wax melted.

Icarus moved his arms, now uncovered, and without the wings to drive him on, vainly beat the air.

The sea received Icarus and from him took its name.

Y efectivamente…

/…fue lo último que hice

/Mirando hacia arriba, veo algo que siempre he sabido que estaba ahí, aunque a veces me lo negara.
/El cielo sigue siendo azul.
/Y el Sol sigue calentándome.

Icaras (colgando las alas)



  1. Gracias por el esfuerzo, me pareces una persona muy valiente.

    …ahora entiendo tantas cosas…

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